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EndNote, RefWorks, Mendeley, and Zotero

This guide offers basic help for using various citation management systems in addition to answering frequently asked questions and providing NYU-specific information.

Downloading and Installing EndNote

NYU-licensed copies of EndNote software are available free of charge to NYU faculty, administrators, staff, and students; and software may be retained after leaving NYU. Software must be downloaded from an NYU-networked computer or on an NYU Wifi network.

Users with a Kerberos ID
NYU MCIT-managed Computers Mac users

 EndNote software is available by submitting a ticket through MCIT's Mac Software Downloads page, scroll down to 'Endnote' on the A-Z list.

PC users

 EndNote software is available through MCIT's PC Software Portal.

For issues downloading Endnote, contact MCIT at: 212-263-6868.

Personal Computers

Mac users

 Login with your email & password to download the EndNote Mac Installer: Access on Microsoft OneDrive

PC users

 Login with your email & password to download the EndNote Windows Installer: Access on Microsoft OneDrive

For issues downloading Endnote for your personal computer, contact Clarivate technical support at


Users with a Net ID
   Download EndNote from the NYU Division of Libraries website with NetID and password.


EndNote Web set up

The first time you open EndNote you may be prompted to set up an EndNote Web account. You can do this now or at another time. If you plan to share folders online, it is recommended that you set up an account online at this time.

Safety Notes

  • Uninstall your previous version of EndNote before installing a new version.

  • EndNote libraries are made up of two parts: the .enl file and the .Data folder. These two parts must be kept together. Both parts are needed for the library to work correctly.

  • For the Mac OS, if you checked the Save as Package option, your library is created with a .enlp extension that includes the .enl and .data files. This option is best left unchecked if you use a Windows version of EndNote on another workstation or share your library with a colleague that uses EndNote for Windows.

  • EndNote libraries should be kept on your computer's local hard drive. Storing and editing libraries on a network drive can lead to corruption and performance issues.

  • Avoid saving EndNote libraries on cloud-syncing folders such as Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, etc. Syncing folders corrupt EndNote libraries over time.