The Find Full-Text feature in EndNote allows you to connect to your institution’s library resources to download the full-text PDFs of references in your library.
1. Make sure you have entered the authentication information in the EndNote preferences.
2. In EndNote, select desired references and go to the References Menu and select Find Full Text or click on the magnifier shortcut on the Toolbar or right click and select Find Full-Text.
NOTE: EndNote will find most available articles, BUT the Library may still have access to articles that are not automatically downloaded by EndNote. Check the Library’s catalog or journals list from for complete access information.
You can import PDF files that you already have saved on your computer and EndNote will extract the bibliographic information to create a record. This works with most publisher PDFs with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) encoded in the PDF file. It will NOT work with scanned PDFs.
1. In EndNote, go to File>Import. Select ‘File’ to import one PDF or ‘Folder’ to import multiple PDFs.
2. In the pop-up window, click ‘Choose…’ to browse to the file(s) you want to import and change the Import Option to ‘PDF’. Click Import.