EndNote facilitates research collaboration. The Library Sharing feature allows you to grant access to your designated EndNote Sync library with up to 100 other EndNote desktop users.
To Share your Library:
1. Configure EndNote Sync and create an EndNote Web account.
2. Go to the File Menu and select Share to configure access to your co-authors and colleagues.
3. You will get a Library Sharing dialog box.
4. Enter the email address (or addresses separated by commas) of the people that you would like to invite in the email box.
5. For each invitee, use the dropdown box to select the desired access level: “Read & Write” or “Read Only”.
6. Enter an optional message to be sent to the above email address.
7. Click on the Invite button.
You can elect to share only a Group in your library. You can share a group of references with up to 100 other EndNote Web users.
To Share only a Group in your Library:
1. Configure EndNote Sync and create an EndNote Web account.
2. Go to the Groups Menu and select Share Group to configure access to your co-authors and colleagues.
3. You will get a Sharing Group dialog box similar to the Library Sharing dialog box.
Refer to steps 4-7 (above) for Library Sharing to complete.