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EndNote, RefWorks, and Zotero

This guide offers basic help for using various citation management systems in addition to answering frequently asked questions and providing NYU-specific information.

Find references in EndNote

We highly recommend conducting searches directly from databases and then importing references into EndNote to ensure properly structured search strategy and to maintain better control of search results instead of searching databases within EndNote.

Searching from within EndNote will work best if you already know the references you need in your library (i.e. specific articles or authors) rather than conducting a topic search.

screenshot displaying EndNote search features with highlighted options to search PubMed, specify search fields, and add records to your library

1. To connect to online database, click on one of the online databases listed in the left pane or go to Tools menu (on top menu bar) and select Online Search. Select database (e.g. PubMed).

2. Enter desired search terms and click Search.

3. A pop-up window will appear showing you how many results were retrieved. Click OK to import all results or Cancel to close window.

4. After the results are imported, select the reference(s) of interest and click the + icon to save the reference(s) to your library or right click the selected reference(s) and select Copy References To and select your library.