Adding the library’s authentication information will let you connect directly to many of the library’s electronic journals to download full-text articles with EndNote’s Find Full-Text feature.
1. In EndNote, go to the edit menu (Windows) or (Mac) and select Preferences
2. In the Preferences window, select Find Full-Text from the left side column
3. In the Find Full-Text Preferences (right side), check all the boxes and enter the following URLs
When formatting bibliographies, publishers will specify when the title should be spelled out in full or abbreviated. EndNote provides a feature, “Term Lists,” that will allow you to import the bulk of medical and science journal titles and abbreviations.
1. Go to “Tools” on the menu and drag to “Open Term Lists.”
2. Click on “Journal Term Lists.”
3. Click on the “Lists” tab and then click on the “Import List . . .” button
4. Navigate to the EndNote folder on your personal computer, open the “Terms” folder, and select the appropriate term lists: Medical, BioScience or other appropriate subject area.
5. When selecting full or abbreviated journals, go to Edit on the main menu, select “output styles,” for the journal you are working with, go to “Journal Names” and select the appropriate format.
Note: if you do not import term lists before importing references, your bibliography may include a mixture of full and abbreviated journal titles in your bibliography. If a title is not indexed in PubMed, it may import as a full title.