Centers for Disease Control: Public Health Image Library (PHIL)The Public Health Image Library offers a number of topical image collections on topics like influenza, bioterrorism, lab science, and more. Also of interest are image subsets selected for their interest to particular audiences: health care providers, teachers & trainers, librarians & researchers, students, consumers, and more.
What regulations govern the use of images in the PHIL?
Answer: Images are either "Public Domain" (free use) or "Copyright Protected" (restricted, obtain permission before use)
Most of the images in the collection are in the public domain and are thus free of any copyright restrictions. If you look directly beneath the image you will see a fair use statement that tells you if the image is public domain or copyright protected.
Permission is not required for public domain images, but we do ask that you credit the original institution and contributor, when known, whenever the image is used in any publicly distributed media.
If the image is copyright protected, you will have to contact the content provider to obtain usage permission. PHIL does not have the authority to grant usage for any copyrighted images in the library. If you have difficulty contacting a content provider, we may be able to help, but we cannot act on their behalf.