This Code of Conduct ensures the security, rights, and privileges of both library users and staff. This code supports a professional, warm, and safe learning environment, and describes the proper use of physical spaces, and online content.
Avoid behaviors that are detrimental for other library users and library staff.
- Prolonged or loud cell phone use
- Yelling or shouting above the level of normal conversation
- Cursing, using offensive language or offensive humor
- Inappropriate physical contact
- Photographing others without their permission
- Leaving children unsupervised
- Leaving personal belongings unattended
- Leaving refuse - food scraps, beverages, spills – for others to clean up
- Damaging - tearing, cutting, highlighting, marking up - stealing or hiding library materials
- Damaging, misusing, defacing the library furniture, equipment, or facility
- No food is permitted in the library. Water bottles and covered drinks are permitted
- Comply with copyright law
- Not misrepresent or falsify identification
- Follow all emergency drills
- Abide by the Policy on Responsible Use of NYU Computers and Data
- Abide by policies relating to overdue, lost, or damaged library materials
- Not leave patient information unattended either in paper or digital form
Refusal to adhere
- Being instructed by library or security staff to leave the library, and/or
- Library administration may contact security, the appropriate dean’s office, or the user’s department, and/or
- Library administration may temporarily or permanently revoke library privileges
Access links to our library's policies and campus-wide guidelines, including copyright laws and more.