NYU supports the use of EndNote desktop software for managing bibliographic citations. Using EndNote, you can transfer groups of references retrieved from online bibliographic databases into your EndNote database and create bibliographies in a variety of formats using a variety of word processors. NYU-licensed copies of EndNote software are available free to NYU faculty, staff, and students (for Mac and Windows computers) for work and personal computers. After installing, you can retain the software after leaving NYU.
Users with a Kerberos ID | ||
NYU MCIT-managed Computers | Mac users |
EndNote software is available by submitting a ticket through MCIT's Mac Software Downloads page, scroll down to 'Endnote' on the A-Z list. |
PC users |
EndNote software is available through MCIT's PC Software Portal. |
For issues downloading Endnote, contact MCIT at: 212-263-6868. |
Personal Computers |
Mac users |
Login with your @nyulangone.org email & password to download the EndNote Mac Installer: Access on Microsoft OneDrive |
PC users |
Login with your @nyulangone.org email & password to download the EndNote Windows Installer: Access on Microsoft OneDrive |
For issues downloading Endnote for your personal computer, contact Clarivate technical support at https://support.clarivate.com/Endnote/ |
Users with a Net ID | |||
Download EndNote from the NYU Division of Libraries website with NetID and password. | |||
The NYU Health Sciences Library has made a guide with step-by-step instructions for setting up and using EndNote to manage your citations.
EndNote's Find Full Text feature automatically finds and imports the full text PDFs of references in your library:
1. Open EndNote (desktop application) and go to the Edit menu. Select Preferences
2. Select Find Full-Text from the menu on the left side of the new window
3. Make sure all boxes are checked and enter the URLs below:
OpenURL Path: https://search.hsl.med.nyu.edu/openurl/01NYU_HS/01NYU_HS:HSL
Authentication with path: https://ezproxy.med.nyu.edu
4. To use the Find Full-Text feature, select one or more references in your library and go to the References menu and select Find Full-Text. EndNote will begin downloading your full-text PDFs if available.
EndNote Web provides access to your reference library from any computer that has an Internet connection. You can share EndNote references with other EndNote Web users, and you can sync references across multiple computers and devices.
This app is not available through the NYU institutional license. The EndNote for iPad app enables users to easily view, edit, organize, and share bibliographic research material and PDFs on iPad. Using the app's "EndNoteSync" functionality with your EndNote Online and Desktop versions allows seamless access to your EndNote library from multiple devices and platforms. More information, including frequently asked questions about the app, is available at https://endnote.com/ios
Some video tutorials that we recommend include: