Selecting studies for inclusion
Include or exclude studies based on the protocol's pre-specified criteria.
- De-duplicate citations and pilot test eligibility criteria.
- Ensure that eligibility criteria (rationale for inclusion/exclusion) is clear enough and that reviewers are interpreting the criteria correctly.
- Identify arbite to assist in resolving any conflicts. Discuss each disagreement and decision between screeners. Come to a consensus about each disagreement.
- Clarify and add detail to the eligibility criteria as required.
- Screen titles and abstracts using eligibility criteria
- Screening must be conducted by more than one reviewer.
- Measure selection agreement and resolve any conflicts.
- Obtain full-text articles of studies that have met the inclusion criteria from title/abstract screening.
- Screen full-text of articles using eligibility criteria.
- Document and report results of the selection process based on PRISMA statement or other pertinent guideline
Covidence can be used for both title/abstract and for full-text screening.