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Systematic Reviews

A guide for planning and conducting systematic reviews and other types of evidence synthesis.


Selecting studies for inclusion

Include or exclude studies based on the protocol's pre-specified criteria.

  1. De-duplicate citations and pilot test eligibility criteria.
    1. Ensure that eligibility criteria (rationale for inclusion/exclusion) is clear enough and that reviewers are interpreting the criteria correctly.
    2. Identify arbite to assist in resolving any conflicts. Discuss each disagreement and decision between screeners. Come to a consensus about each disagreement.
    3. Clarify and add detail to the eligibility criteria as required.
  2. Screen titles and abstracts using eligibility criteria
    1. Screening must be conducted by more than one reviewer.
    2. Measure selection agreement and resolve any conflicts.
  3. Obtain full-text articles of studies that have met the inclusion criteria from title/abstract screening.
  4. Screen full-text of articles using eligibility criteria.
  5. Document and report results of the selection process based on PRISMA statement or other pertinent guideline

Covidence can be used for both title/abstract and for full-text screening.