Click the following link for access: iThenticate Access
iThenticate is a text analysis tool that allows authors to screen their original written work for similarity against a vast database of published academic content. This aids in detecting unintentional plagiarism and inadequate citations in a user's scholarly work. The Similarity Report generated by iThenticate allows users to directly see the document with matching text alongside their own work.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I access iThenticate?
- All NYULH employees can access iThenticate by logging in using their KID and password at the following link: iThenticate
Who is required to use iThenticate?
- All first, last and corresponding authors are required to utilize this software prior to each submission and re-submission of a manuscript to a journal or a preprint server or platform.
- All named Principal Investigators (including post-doctoral fellows and PhD students) on grant applications are required to utilize this software prior to submission of the application to NYU Langone Health’s Sponsored Programs Administration.
Do middle authors need to run iThenticate?
- No. Only first, last and corresponding authors. A middle author may run iThenticate if they would like to be extra cautious
When should users run iThenticate?
- Before publication or grant submission
Will users be required to upload or submit proof of the similarity report?
- No. There is no current mandate requiring upload of the report. The report is meant for your review and determination of whether any matches require follow up
What should I do if my references have been flagged as problematic in my report?
- You can exclude references from review by accessing the "Filters" menu on the Source card. Please see the tutorial below or access additional instructions here:
What is the ideal Similarity score?
- While there are no universal maximum or minimum similarity scores, see below for general guidance on score interpretation
- If multiple sources are flagged, aim for LESS THAN 20%. If only one source was detected, aim for LESS THAN 10%. For more information, see: iThenticate Guide on Sources.
I am receiving the NYU Langone Health Login - Stale Request error message when attempting to access iThenitcate. What should I do?
- If you are experiencing problems logging in, getting a "stale request" page, or other technical error, please first try clearing your cache or cookies, restarting your browser and logging in again. If this doesn't work, create a ticket with MCIT.
Who do I contact if I am having problems with iThenticate?