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Library resources to support research in addiction, brain aging, child psychiatry and child development, community mental health issues, obesity, neuroscience, schizophrenia, and trauma for the department of Psychiatry and The Child Study Center.

Psychiatry Resources

Use the tabs below to look at selected journals, databases, books, and other resources.


Featured Resources


This is a selection of books. Feel free to browse the catalog, search for titles, or contact a librarian if you are looking for a specific title.

Selected Psychiatry Journals, Titles by Impact Factor

This is a list of the top 15 journals in Psychiatry, based on 2023 Impact Factor rankings.

To view a complete list of Psychiatry journals, click here.

You can also browse over 300 psychiatry journals in the library's catalog.

Selected Databases

Drug Information



Clerkship Resources

Follow this link to the Psychiatry Clerkship Bookshelf:

Screenshot of the psychiatry clerkship bookshelf (illustrative)

Selected Board Prep Books