ERIC (Educational Resources Information Clearinghouse)
A complete bibliography of educational materials. Indexes published and unpublished sources on thousands of educational topics, with information from from RIE (Resources in Education) and CIJE (Current Index to Journals in Education), and including materials focused on every aspect of educational testing. Coverage from 1966-present.
Steps and Tips for Searching
- From the main search page, type in your search term(s)
- Notice the "PUBLICATION TYPE" limit toward the middle of the page.
- To select "Tests/Questionnaires", either click on the link to browse publication types and locate, or type in PT=(160 tests/questionnaires).
- When you return to the search screen and run a search, the results will be limited only to those which make some use of identifiable tests and/or questionnaires.
Education Source
Steps and Tips for Searching
- From the main search page, type in your search terms.
- Toward the bottom of the screen, there is a drop down menu labeled "DOCUMENT TYPE".
- Scroll down and select "Tests/Questionnaires"
- Click START to run a search; the results will be limited only to those which make some use of identifiable tests and/or questionnaires.