Explore Your Data
Viewing data can help reveal trends and outliers that may lead to new questions and discovery. For example, in Anscombe's Quartet, four sets of numbers appear similar in table form, and basic calculations of mean and variance show no differences. Visualizing however, reveals distinct trends in the data.
Communicate Your Data
Charts and graphs are an essential part of publishing your research, and it is important that they efficiently and effectively communicate the data to readers in the research community. A growing number of computer tools can help you build effective and attractive visualizations for your publications. Data Viz skills can help you quickly communicate the information your audience needs with a minimum of extraneous visual information.
A large and growing amount of software tools can help you create your visualizations. Here are a few that may be of use to you:
BioRender - A web tool for creating scientific figures, such as cell diagrams, using prebuilt illustrations.