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Collection Development

Announcements about HSL resources, resource changes, cancellations, error reporting other information

McGraw Hill Products Update 2025

We regret to inform you that the NYU Health Sciences Library (HSL) has made the difficult decision to cancel our subscription to McGraw Hill products (McGraw Hill Access Suite). If you are looking for a specific book from one of these packages, please look at our McGraw-Hill Alternatives for title-by-title recommendations. The cancellation includes:

  • AccessSurgery
  • Access Anesthesiology
  • Access EmergencyMedicine
  • Access Medicine
  • Case Files

We have access to the collections (Surgery, Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Case Files) until December 31, 2024 Access Medicine will be until April 15, 2025. We understand this may impact some of your teaching, research & clinical endeavors, and we want to provide you with important information regarding this decision. 

Reasons for Cancellation 

After extensive discussions with the vendor, we regret to inform you that we were unable to reach a satisfactory agreement. The proposed pricing was unfortunately too high for us to justify, especially in light of our commitment to providing accessible resources for all library users. Outlined below are other reasons for cancellation: 

  • Budget constraints and the need to allocate resources efficiently 

  • Usage statistics indicating lower-than-expected utilization of these products 

  • Availability of alternative resources that offer similar content 

  • Thoughtful interviews with relevant stakeholders who this decision would impact highlighted the lack of use and the utilization of non-McGraw Hill products that better suited their needs

 Alternative Resources 

  • To mitigate the impact of this change, we have identified several alternatives. Please consider the following alternatives outlined in the McGraw Hill Alternatives Tab.
  • When a specific alternative cannot be found we will expand our print collection to include key texts. Print copies of core texts will be available as reference works for in-house use only.  They will be located in the Lapidus Quiet Study Space  (Location) Titles include:
    • Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies (ISBN: 9781259859618)
    • Morgan & Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology (ISBN: 9781260473797)
    • Schwartz's Principles of Surgery (ISBN:  9781259835353)
    • Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine Manual (ISBN: 9780071837026) 
    • Zollinger’s Atlas of Surgical Operations (ISBN: 9781260440850) 

Timeline and Next Steps 

  • The exact date of cancellation will be:

    • January 1, 2025 for Access collections (Surgery, Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Case Files

    • April 16, 2025 for Access Medicine

  • We encourage you to download any essential materials before access is terminated.  

  • You also have the opportunity to request specific chapters through our Document Delivery Service, accessible via the following link


We appreciate your understanding as we strive to provide the best possible resources within our budgetary constraints. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us